Business Travel HR Trends for 2024

Lynne Griffiths

2023 was a hectic year for HR – and a hectic one for Business Travel! Not least, the continuing adjustment (or re-adjustment) to virtual/hybrid/remote working. We have seen an increasing demand from business travel industry employers wanting their staff back in the office, whilst employees, in the majority, are preferring a hybrid working model. The number of days in the office is the sticking point and for some, this has been a non-negotiable when it’s come to accepting or declining a job offer.


Moving forward, the focus for business travel HR is also going to be on productivity, tech (AI), flexible working, company core value and ethics and learning and development opportunity.  


Employee productivity

HR’s responsibility will grow from not only reporting on headcount, but also on how to get the most out of it. There are various means to help identify, attract and manage the right people. But 2024 will also be about researching ways to gauge how they are performing – what value they are bringing to the business and how that can be improved.


This should be a positive practice, rather than a “Big Brother” approach. It’s all about monitoring people who are already performing well in their job, to find out how you can help them excel and optimise their productivity. How can you inspire and motivate them? It could be anything and everything from their working environment, to a wellbeing package, to pay, to technology.


Hybrid working

In terms of where companies want their people to work, it’s an easy argument that 2023 proved to be a rather divisive year. The post-pandemic evolution has seen a significant shift in attitudes and expectations on both sides.


There’s been an employer steer towards getting staff back into the office, pushing the hybrid working model to its extreme. Many companies still haven’t found the right balance between home working and the office. So it will remain a dynamic conversation throughout next year.


Both managers and employees are realising that it’s challenging to maintain or build a culture when you don’t have an in-person presence. From our experience this year, candidates have a clear preference for hybrid working (1-2 days per week in the office) and employers are pushing more for 3-4 days per week in the office. This is most often a non-negotiable for a candidate, so flexibility remains crucial in the battle for “Employer of Choice”.


Employer of Choice

Some of the more enlightened employers realise that a bit of flexibility is a good thing because it makes people more productive. Instead of the rigid rules some companies are placing on in-person work, such as requesting that everyone comes in on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, managers should get more in tune in working out when it is best for their teams to work together in the office.


Throughout 2023, employees and employers struggled to agree on the right amount of time to spend at home or in the office. Business Travel HR’s challenge in 2024 is to come up with the right solution that satisfies both.


Flexible working

Where and when are people happiest and more productive? Is a more flexible, individualised approach possible? Could 2024 be the time to reinvent (or at least adjust) the workplace? Make the purpose of office presence more about making connections, inspiring and motivating, rather than just a place where people do their work. Or worse, where they just do calls, which they might as well do at home!


So, another increasingly common and sought-after work benefit is a flexible work schedule.

By allowing employees to flex their working schedules, even if only by a few hours on either side of the traditional 9 to 5, employers can give their workers the ability to fit their work around their personal commitments as well as to take advantage of quieter (and cheaper) commuting hours.  


Company core values & ethics

Today, the new generation of employees favour more ethical organisations and strong social and environmental values are key to attracting the best talent. Candidates want to feel a strong social and ethical connection to their employer. The core values of a company, driven by senior management and policy, dictate company culture. Examination, assessment and judgement of these core values will be more prevalent in 2024.



AI will continue to disrupt the workspace in 2024. While many people became aware of the power of generative AI models, such as ChatGPT, in 2023, this year will see more businesses and employees integrate it into their daily workplace routines. AI is going to be everywhere. In a year’s time, it will have developed again at an astonishing rate.


This will contribute to growing fears of AI making certain roles redundant. However, on the bright side, there is a rise in the number of specific AI jobs being advertised. AI is becoming a skill requirement within some job descriptions. Those who are able to upskill and utilise this new technology will be in demand in 2024.


AI’s evolving capabilities position it as a catalyst for growth. AI will remain a cornerstone for businesses aspiring to stay ahead and unlock new opportunities in 2024.


4 Day working week

2023 saw the UK’s largest four-day-week trial come to a conclusion. The results were hailed as a “breakthrough moment” by its organisers as they showed the shorter work week brought improvements to retention, recruitment, productivity and turnover.


More businesses are warming to the idea of a four-day week, with a high proportion of corporate decision-makers in the UK considering its introduction. While a major increase in adoption has not followed, a more open conversation is taking place at employer and employee level.


This is partly being driven by the demand from employees, in particular the younger generations, for more flexible working arrangements. With employers pushing back on remote working, we may see some businesses offer other forms of flexibility, such as the four-day week, as a compromise.


Employee mentorships

Mentorships are becoming increasingly important for employees who place great value on continued learning and development. A professional mentor is on hand to provide mentees with knowledge and share their experiences to help them thrive in their role. They offer encouragement, constructive feedback, and can also help with goal-setting to help mentees reach success – whatever that may look like for them.


Cross-generational mentorships are particularly useful to foster diverse perspectives. If you haven’t already, now’s the time to start integrating mentorship programmes into your onboarding process to help your new hires get the most out of their role, improve job satisfaction, and retention. This kind of engagement will pay dividends!


Sirius can work with you to devise, set up and monitor your own corporate mentoring program: Business Travel Recruitment > Employers | Sirius


Ongoing learning opportunities

From improved self-confidence to the incentive of a pay rise, ongoing learning opportunities are highly sought-after by today’s professionals and the benefits of upskilling are endless. If you’re looking to hire the best talent and ensure they are engaged, you’ll need to consider the learning opportunities you provide your staff. Consider introducing access to online courses, in-person workshops, and on-demand resources to ensure there’s something to suit all learning styles. Make sure everyone has the support they need for further education and upskilling.


So what’s in store for Business Travel HR in 2024?

In summary, many of the trends that shaped the world of work in 2023 will continue to impact our working lives in 2024. The year ahead may finally see a conclusion to the remote working debate, as companies settle into new hybrid and flexible working patterns and AI’s true impact on the workforce will begin to take effect.


One thing is for sure – the workplace landscape of 2024 is set to be a challenging one with lots of twists and turns along the way.


Sirius is the UK’s only recruitment agency, dedicated 100% to the business travel industry.