Go faster!

Lynne Griffiths

(Speeding up the hiring process without compromising on quality!)

Our business travel recruitment market continues to be candidate-driven. Competition for talent is fierce, meaning that you need to do everything you can to keep quality candidates engaged, motivated and seeing you as an employer of choice.

Time is always crucial in business travel recruitment but becomes even more so when competition for candidates is intense. As a business travel recruitment agency we have seen lengthy recruitment processes see off candidates who are considering more than one job.

Don’t lose exceptional talent to your competitors – here are some “speeding up” suggestions, which won’t compromise on quality. 

Be clear

It all starts with a great job description. Although it’s common for a spec to “tweak” as the process goes on, be clear on non-negotiables which would rule out some candidates. For example, if you know you have a top budget, don’t waste time taking a candidate through the interview process when you know you can’t afford them. Of course there can be negotiation but managing expectations is key in any hiring process – and beyond!

Be competitive

Use us (the recruitment agency) to understand the current business travel market trends in salary and also working practices and benefits. For example, private medical insurance, annual leave and hybrid/flexible working are current “hot” topics for candidates. An emerging issue is the use of probationary periods and the accompanying withholding of benefits during these trial periods. Some don’t like the use of the term “probationary period” and imagine yourself in the shoes of a candidate who currently enjoys certain benefits but is told that they won’t be available for the next 6 months – would that entice you to move job? Focus on employee reward, engagement and wellbeing, rather than trying to give out as little as possible at hiring and offer stage. Achievement comes from attracting the best talent to the job, not hammering out a cost saving candidate package!

Be process smart

Consider your current process – how can you streamline it? Do you include a few “meet and brief” stages, where the candidate speaks to different people in the company? Could this be done in one video call or one office visit? Are you following a process because you think it’s the “way it’s done”? Consider instead what would work best for your company – what do you consider most important? How do YOU think you can get the best out of a candidate…out of the process? No recruitment process is foolproof so have the confidence to do it your way – just make it efficient! If you do want some help, Sirius can review your current processes and recommend tailored improvements to fit your specific needs.

Be respectful of candidate’s time and efforts

One of our biggest frustrations as a business travel recruitment agency (and the biggest reason for candidates dropping out of a hiring process) is when we don’t get timely feedback at various stages of the process. This doesn’t just leave a bad impression; it can build a poor reputation – and one that will be happily shared with others in the business travel industry.

If delays are beyond your control, keep communicating so that everyone knows what is going on and what is the likely timeline. For us, as a recruitment agency, we can then keep the candidate engaged and be part of building that positive impression for the hiring company.

Even when the candidate is being rejected, this can be done in a constructive and professional way that will leave the candidate feeling well treated and wanting to find a job with your company even more!

Offer a positive candidate experience

Ensuring the candidate experience is positive is key. In a business travel market heavy with jobs but low on candidates, it’s vital that the recruitment process isn’t laborious (and with the business travel industry still re-establishing its stability, it’s hard enough tempting candidates to move). You should be making the candidate feel that they are a valued individual, so positive ongoing engagement is the answer.